Contact Dr. Jamie L. Gloor

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14 Plattenstrasse
Kreis 7, ZH, 8032

Jamie L Gloor is an experienced, international researcher, educator and mentor. She is American born but currently resides in Zurich, Switzerland. Her research interests focus on individual and organizational health, including publications on diversity and leadership and research experience at prestigious universities across four different continents. 


Exciting news, research, updates, & events!


Filtering by Tag: bias

(Un)Conscious Bias: Name, Frame, and Tame the Dragon!

Jamie Gloor

As a scholar with decades of experience specializing in DEI, leadership, and workplace culture, Jamie Gloor is often invited for keynotes and workshops in for- and non-profit groups to explore the idea of bias:

  1. When is bias conscious vs. unconscious?

  2. What effects does bias have at work?

  3. How has bias changed over time?

  4. What can we do to create more transparency and fairness (e.g., by design)?

For more details about the content and approach, see the short teaser video below.

(Un)Conscious Bias Course Teaser Video

Why the future is…funny? (TEDx Zurich talk)

Jamie Gloor

Wow! I’m incredibly grateful for the organizers, coaches, hosts, translators, 100(ish) volunteers and folks behind the scenes, 800(ish) attendees (including some of my family, team, and friends!), and 9 other speakers who bravely shared their big ideas at a very inclusive TEDx Zurich yesterday! What a powerful and unforgettable experience with loads of creative and inspiring ideas and individuals.

In my 12-min. talk, I wove a narrative through my years of research on diversity, (social) sustainability, and humor—condensed into 3 key points—pointing to why the future is (or rather should be) funny.

***Want to know more? Check out the video here.***

As our team grows and we remain active in countless ways across HSG (and beyond), please follow us on LinkedIn or our CCDI page for a more complete and current overview of our team, engagements, research, and impact.

Women in Leadership Micro-Conference in St.Gallen

Jamie Gloor

Just before Easter, we welcomed an all-star group of keynotes and early-career scholars from the the US, the UK, Canada, Germany, Switzerland—and beyond—in the beautiful Weiterbildungzentrum (WBZ) in sunny St.Gallen. These scholars and practitioners are working across psychology, organizational behavior, entrepreneurship, and operations management on topics related to gender/diversity and leadership.

It’s already a few weeks later now, but I’m still feeling inspired by conversations with and presentations by Raina Brands (UCL), Aneeta Rattan (LBS), Corinne Post (Villanova), Alyson Meister (IMD), Amanda Shantz and Charlotta Siren (HSG), our incoming post-doc (Mihwa Seong, Ivey Business School), CCDI scholars and practitioners (Eugenia Bajet Mestre, Theresa Goop, Nicole Niedermann, and Giannina Faktor), the fantastic social innovation duo from practice (Cynthia Hansen and Liana Melchenko at Adecco), Lauren Howe (UZH), Regina Dutz (TUM), Caren Goldberg (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow), and Eva Lin (LBS)!

Thanks again to SNF for funding this event, to our amazing attendees who shared their research and stories behind it, and to Eugenia Bajet Mestre for her extraordinary effort facilitating hybrid participation and organization.

The risky business of potential parenthood

Jamie Gloor

Is actual motherhood a requirement to face motherhood penalties? Are young, childfree women the “riskiest” employees to hire?

To answer these questions (and more), see our new paper on potential pregnancy as a hiring risk coauthored with an amazing team of talented coauthors: Tyler Okimoto (University of Queensland) and Eden King (Rice University).

Defeating the 7-headed dragon in Utrecht, The Netherlands

Jamie Gloor

What a terrific conference last week on improving #gender #equality with #behavioral #insights from Leonie Nicks, #fieldinterventions in the Global South, cross-cultural assessments in up to 60 countries and everything in-between!

Screenshot 2019-09-30 at 10.31.53.png

Delighted to have had the chance to present our new #maybebaby research with Tyler Okimoto and Eden King.

Screenshot 2019-09-30 at 10.02.27.png

Thanks again, Belle Derks, Floor Rink, Ruth van Veelen, Francesca Manzi, and Elena Bacchini for your organization, insights, and inspiration, and to everyone who attended/presented at lovely Utrecht University (e.g., Michelle Ryan, Jaime Napier, Janine Bosak, Tanja Hentschel, Clara Kulich, Christopher Begeny, Renata Bongiorno, Jenny Veldman, Loes Meeussen, Melissa Vink, Regina Dutz, and more!). Starting the week very energized!

Academy of Management in Boston

Jamie Gloor

What an amazing, whirlwind experience in Boston as 11,000+ scholars, practitioners, and policy makers convened in Boston to share and discuss, connect and reconnect.

Rashpal Dhensa-Khalon (Surrey) and I organized a symposium on workplace humor within and across hierarchies, which we shared with a full house (despite the 8AM Tuesday time slot). Within the symposium, I also presented my paper on humor and diversity (coauthored with Lynn Bowes-Sperry and Cecily Cooper, based on a project with Agnes Baeker with research assistance from Felix Wuethrich and Ramon Gmuer). Finally, Cecily Cooper (Miami - see below) tied the 4 papers within the symposium together with thoughtfulness and finesse; no joke–she is surely one of the best discussants in the land!


Kate Frear (SMU) and Sam Paustian-Underdahl (FSU) included my research with Tyler Okimoto (UQ), Xinxin Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong), and Brooke Gazdag (LMU) on how higher organizational identification predicts less gender discrimination at work in their symposium on gender bias. We were delighted to be included among stellar scholars such as Natalya Alonso (UBC), Ivona Hideg (Wilfrid Laurier), Shannon Cheng (Rice), and Jasmien Khattab (UVA).

Gender discrimination, of course, isn’t funny…but the photo (below) from the symposium sure is!


And finally, have you ever wondered who's conducting award-winning international management practices and research? Who's on the AOM International Theme Committee (ITC) Executive Board, responsible for selecting and honoring these practices and papers? Today's your lucky day! 👇

We were delighted to welcome a room full of scholars and practitioners at our reception last week in Boston, where we honored the following persons: 👏
1. PTC-ITC International Impactful Collaboration Award: Jeroen Veldman (Mines ParisTech), Hugh Willmott (Cass), & Filip Gregor (Responsible Companies Section)
2. Emerald Best International Dissertation Award: Maximilian (Max) Stallkamp (Virginia Tech)
3. Emerald Best International Symposium Award: Maike Andresen (Bamberg), Eleni Apospori (Athens U), & Jon Briscoe (N. Illinois)
4. Carolyn Dexter Award: Jane Lê (WHU) & Fannie Couture (University of Sydney)

Thanks again to the divisions for their nominations, to the reviewers who supported our selections, to all of the amazing practitioners and scholars who were nominated, as well as to our ITC committee members for their hard work and enthusiasm (pictured below). 💪