Contact Dr. Jamie L. Gloor

For comments, questions, and inquiries, use the form on the right.

14 Plattenstrasse
Kreis 7, ZH, 8032

Jamie L Gloor is an experienced, international researcher, educator and mentor. She is American born but currently resides in Zurich, Switzerland. Her research interests focus on individual and organizational health, including publications on diversity and leadership and research experience at prestigious universities across four different continents. 


Exciting news, research, updates, & events!


Defeating the 7-headed dragon in Utrecht, The Netherlands

Jamie Gloor

What a terrific conference last week on improving #gender #equality with #behavioral #insights from Leonie Nicks, #fieldinterventions in the Global South, cross-cultural assessments in up to 60 countries and everything in-between!

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Delighted to have had the chance to present our new #maybebaby research with Tyler Okimoto and Eden King.

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Thanks again, Belle Derks, Floor Rink, Ruth van Veelen, Francesca Manzi, and Elena Bacchini for your organization, insights, and inspiration, and to everyone who attended/presented at lovely Utrecht University (e.g., Michelle Ryan, Jaime Napier, Janine Bosak, Tanja Hentschel, Clara Kulich, Christopher Begeny, Renata Bongiorno, Jenny Veldman, Loes Meeussen, Melissa Vink, Regina Dutz, and more!). Starting the week very energized!