Jamie Gloor
The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is an academic research communication competition developed by The University of Queensland (UQ), Australia.
AND, it came to HSG for the first time on August 31 (in SQUARE)!
The finalists were selected and trained by our coach, Michael Berndonner:
Omid Alizadeh Afrouzi (SHSS) “Collective memory reduces predjudice against immigrants” —> Our 2nd place winner & Audience Choice winner! Congratulations! (Photo above)
Jan-Henrik Bucher (IMC) “The science behind everyday purchases: Why I study consumers who conduct at-home experiments”
Roger Heines (IWI) “The tokenization of everything”
Thomas Li (IoMS) “Leveraging feelings to enhance decision-making: A counter-intuitive approach to the status-quo”
Lena Rudolf (I.FPM) “New work, VUCA, and flat hierarchies: How I study leadership in a field full of buzzwords”
Nina Schmid (IWO) “En route to a circular economy: The fuel of collaborative supplier relationships”
Jan Serwart (MATHSTAT) “Quantifying success in the art market”
Nina Zachlod (GCEI) “Looking at entrepreneurs from the sky: Using satellite data to support slums in India” —> Our 1st place winner! Congratulations! (Photo below)
Finally, we thank our esteemed jury of experts who selected our finalist who also won 1,000CHF (and our 2nd place speaker, who won 500CHF); each member of the audience voted for the “Audience Choice” award.
Questions? Contact the organizer/host: Dr. Jamie Gloor, Assistant Professor (Competence Center for Diversity & inclusion, FIM-HSG).
We gratefully acknowledge our funding and sponsorship from HSG PMA and HSG Faculty Development.